Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2 - International Cuisine

Tonight we visited cuisine from a few Scandinavian countries -Sweden, Norway and Denmark. We were still with our same teams as last night. Our team was given Swedish Pancakes with Lingonberry Jam. We were also in charge of setting the buffet, including making name tags for the food, wrapping plasticware in a napkin, and warming plates.

We produced:
Pickled Herring Canapes
Danish Cucumber Salad
Swedish Meatballs with Potato and Anchovy Casserole
Swedish Pancakes with Lingonberry Jam

I'm not gonna lie to ya - I was not in love with the pickled herring. The skin was still on the herring - think I heard other people in the class compare it to bubble gum. I don't know about you, but bubble yum, can't be compared to pickled herring.

The Danish Cucumber Salad was pretty good - so good that I'm burping the cucumbers! I don't like raw onions - I had a second helping of cucumbers!

I ate three sweddish meatballs with gravy - yummo! But for as much as I love Swedish meatballs, I can only eat a few a year. I'll probably not have Swedish meatballs again for six months or so...but they were yummy!!

OMG - why oh why did I load my plate with the Potato and Anchovy Casserole...and why oh why didn't I stop eating when I noticed a faint fishy taste. That'll teach me not to pay more attention to what other teams are preparing! I'd make this again, but without the anchovy, does that make it any less Scandinavian? LOL!!

My team made the Swedish Pancakes with Lingonberry Jam - we also made some with cinnamon sugar and butter.

EXTRA: A lucky almond hidden in one of the porridge (rice pudding) bowls, is believed to grant good fortune to the person who finds it.

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